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  • Chemon

    Fucking blue bubble bobble bitch😂 This ain't 1986 and you ain't no dragon

  • Chemon

    Goddamn, outplayed on every single level Mission impossible indeed

  • Jackyboi

    The hell he need to give all that gold for. All he needs to do is tell him his plan and say- "I'll pay the 2 swords and 100 gold for commission. How's that sound." Because pretty sure the 2 swords are gonna be ours if he's paying all that money. Either way should've told a plan first. Negotiations later. I thought he had brains but I guess not.

  • Jackyboi

    The hell he need to give gold for. All he needs to do is tell him his plan and say- "I'll pay the 2 swords and 100 gold for commission. How's that sound." Because pretty sure the 2 swords are gonna be ours if he's paying all that money. Either way should've told a plan first. Negotiations later. I thought he had brains but I guess not.

  • Chemon

    Haha yeah that's true